The Kitsilano Farmers market is our weekly Sunday market during summer months until the end of october. I anxiously waited for it to start in June because I had heard only good about it and simply because I love food markets! To tell you the truth all the Vancouver farmers markets are nothing to write home about since we have plenty of great markets in Europe. In Vancouver we have at least the Public market on Granville Island which is unique in its own way. If you don't want to end up buying at Safeway you can buy good fruit and vegetables at your local
Apple Farm Market, a usually chinese managed market of everything, they have seasonal fruit and vegetable but not necessarily organic. At
Whole Foods Market you get great products for double the price then anywhere else, IGA isn't bad either but to me nothing beats an open air market in the summer. First I take a look at all the market stands and see whats in season and who is selling what. On the way back I try not to spend all my cash but still at the end can barely afford a coffee :-)

2009: a good year for blueberries and blackberries
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