Sonntag, 26. April 2009
Garage Sale
It's Garage Sale season and thanks to craigslist I found a few adresses in Kitsilano on Saturday and on Sunday. I started the first tour around 9 o'clock in the morning and even found other Sales while walking around. After noon I had visited about 7 Garage sales, some bigger some really small. My best buy was a gas barbecue for $2. The rusty parts were reasonable and we gave it a try the same night. We had burgers and they were mighty good :-)

Now our barbecue season can start.

Now our barbecue season can start.

Main Street Literary Tour
The Literature Tour on Main Street was a welcome change on Thursday night. There were stops at Neptoon Records, Strategies and and at the Regional Assembly of Text and journalists, writers and poets got a chance to read there work and discuss about it. It was a nice crowd and an inspiring evening.

Talking about writing about music at Neptoon Records

poetry and freestyle presented by ricepapermagazine

Talking about writing about music at Neptoon Records

poetry and freestyle presented by ricepapermagazine
Sonntag, 12. April 2009
Look what I got for Easter - a Somalian pirate!

(Isn't it amazing how up-to-date Playmobil always is?)

(Isn't it amazing how up-to-date Playmobil always is?)
Samstag, 11. April 2009
electronic music
Als wir nach Kanada gegangen waren, hatte ich noch einen Artikel in der de:bug gelesen, dass inzwischen alle elektronisch ausgerichteten Musiker aus Kanada in Berlin lebten (abgesehen von Akufen). Der erste Eindruck schien dies zu bestätigen, denn Punk, Indie, Folk, Country, Metal und die unseligen Nickelback sind allgegenwärtig. Mittlerweile sind aber doch ein paar elektronische Nachwuchskünstler hervorgetreten:
- Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles (was vom Namen her wie eine schlechte EBM Combo klingt, ist feinster Techno)
- Thunderheist - Thunderheist (sehr tanzbar, erinnert mich manchmal an Peaches. Ach ja, Peaches hat auch ein neues Album am Start)
- MSRTKRFT (ganz guter DJ)
Bezeichnenderweise wurden die oben aufgezählten Acts bereits dadurch geadelt, dass sie beim diesjährigen MELT auftreten...
- Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles (was vom Namen her wie eine schlechte EBM Combo klingt, ist feinster Techno)
- Thunderheist - Thunderheist (sehr tanzbar, erinnert mich manchmal an Peaches. Ach ja, Peaches hat auch ein neues Album am Start)
- MSRTKRFT (ganz guter DJ)
Bezeichnenderweise wurden die oben aufgezählten Acts bereits dadurch geadelt, dass sie beim diesjährigen MELT auftreten...
Mittwoch, 8. April 2009
The Independent: From heaven to hell - Gang Violence in Vancouver
We try to document our impression of Vancouver rather than showing nice pictures only and where a lot of light is, there's also a lot of shadow (crude translation of an old German saying...). A currently hot topic is the increasing gang violence, but I'm not a crime journalist and for that reason, I refer to the well established British newspaper The Independent and their recent article "From heaven to hell: 18 die as drug war rages on streets of Vancouver"
The Independent: From heaven to hell
The Independent: From heaven to hell
Montag, 6. April 2009
Sebastian Grainger without the Mountains
Yesterday at the free and live performance by Sebastian Grainger from Sebastian Grainger and the Mountains, though without the mountains this time, at the world's greatest record shop, Zulu Records.
Although, he was more talking weird than actually playing: "I wanna tell a story. Actually, it's more of a confession. I've been drinking too much. End of story." "You wanna talk about economy? I've heard there is a rezession going on. Buy real estate now!" "Should I smash my guitar now?" "How about going shoplifting right now - we all go to XXX and steal kale."

Funny guy!
Although, he was more talking weird than actually playing: "I wanna tell a story. Actually, it's more of a confession. I've been drinking too much. End of story." "You wanna talk about economy? I've heard there is a rezession going on. Buy real estate now!" "Should I smash my guitar now?" "How about going shoplifting right now - we all go to XXX and steal kale."

Funny guy!
Cylon Cafe
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